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Anyway, what can you expect from this blog?

Hello! Nippich is here! This blog is about my journey to improve my art skill, which is a hobby I’ve always been invested in since I was much younger. I’m gonna discuss my favorite things about art, how I improve my skill, my inspiration, and more! With that being said, I guess you should be excited right now, right?

An importance of Art

What's Art?

Not only drawings. Music, movies, literature, even our daily movement, art has been hiding in every activity human does, that's because art is natural. Art is all about expression, creativity, emotion, it's one of those things that only human can do, which make it charming and entertaining in its way. This is why Art is so important because no matter how humanity seems to progress further and further, art portrays nearly every event in this world, and it's the way to conveys human thought on it.

Why did I choose to do an Art blog?

Inspiration and Creativity

Artists need a space to dream, to create, to inspire, and to be inspired. Well, there are many reasons I choose art as a topic,
but for the BIG reason, I've always been interested in art, and always want to practice it in my free time. While I'm not sure by the idea of picking a job that needs drawing skills in the future but to answer the question, why not? It seems fun, isn't it?

About Me

Who am I?


Nippich Tawitchasri, New, is your normal Grade 9th student in Samsenwittayalai School, normally interested in drawing, and normally draw as a daily basis

- Novice/Amateur drawing skill

- Like designing characters

- Want to understand deeper in drawing techniques, and how to improve the quality of my own works in any medium

- But after all, I believe that the most important part of drawing is for entertainment, and to keep challenging myself, if you somehow wanted to try drawing as a hobby, this is the advise I would give to you

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